Details: Conversion
between various units of density. Some conversions are not
perfect, for example specific gravity and °Brix do not measure the same
physical property, and are often measured using different instruments.
Some of these conversion are therefore based on expressions
derived from polynomial fits to experimental data sets. Potential alcohol is not a measure of density, but it is useful. This calculation is an approximation, for more detailed alcohol prediction see the alcohol prediction calculator. Dissolved Solids is not a measure of density, but is useful. This is an estimate of dissolved solids assuming that most of the solids are sucrose - it will be close to the true value. |
Details: A simple conversion between °F and °C and visa versa. |
Details: This calcaultor converts between commonly used volume measurements. |
Details: This calcaultor converts between commonly used mass measurements. |
Details: This calcaultor converts between the commonly used measurements of vineyard area. 1 hectare (or square hectometre) = 10,000 square metres (a square 100m by 100m) |
Details: This calculation corrects the ebulliometer reading based on the calibration reading, and then calculates the alcohol content. |
DSOS = Dissolved Solids Other than Sugar Details: This calculation is based on the method proposed by Duncan and Acton (Progressive Winemaking). The calculation is based on the initial and final gravity. The correction for DSOS is the the assumed gravity contribution from Dissolved Solids Other than Sugar. The correction for DSOS is hard to judge, but a suggestion is to use pre-ferment figures from wines for which you know the final alcohol, and tweak the DSOS until the calculation gives the correct value, then use the calculator for making predictions for similar musts (variety, region, condition etc). |
Details: This
calculator will calculate alcohol by volume from the spirit indication
procedure. This procedure involves taking a sample of known volume and
making a hydrometer reading. The sample is then boiled until it
is reduced to about half its initial volume, topped up to the initial
volume again with distilled water (or any water giving a hydrometer
reading of 0.000), and a final reading is taken.
This calculator includes hydrometer temperature correction so it is not essential to ensure the initial and final readings are made at the same temperature, however the temperatures, and calibration temperature of the hydrometer must be known. Note: This procedure, if performed carefully, will provide accurate results in wines regardless of residual sugar. |
Details: This
calculator uses a refractometer and hydrometer reading to ascertain the
alcohol content of the sample. The gravity measurement must be
from a hydrometer, and the °Brix measurement must be from a
refractometer, these values must not have been calculated from one
source. Alcohol (ethanol) has a higher refractive index than water, so a dry wine will usually give a refractometer reading in the range 5 to 15°Brix. |
Details: Monitor
the progress of a ferment without having to take large samples and use
a hydrometer, simply take a small refractometer sample. Entering the
initial °Brix reading (pre-ferment) and the current reading will give
is all that is required. Important: There are a lot of approximations involved in this calculator. While this method is extremely useful for monitoring ferments, and on the whole quite accurate, it is not perfect - for example, do not expect it to show a true °Brix of exactly zero when the fermentation has finished. |
Details: A sample
of high sugar juice can be diluted in order that it can be read on equipment with
a limited scale. However because the °Brix scale is calibrated as %w/w, but
the dilution is carried out by measuring volume, the reading cannot simply be multiplied by
the dilution to obtain the °Brix of the juice. This calculator corrects for this, allowing
such dilutions to be used. Note on SG: If measuring a juice using SG (specific gravity), simple multiplication is possible. For example, a sample diluted to 50% with distilled water, which reads 1.090, has a gravity of 1.180. |
Details: The
density of water changes predictably with temperature and so it is
possible (and important) to correct readings taken at temperatures the
hydrometer is not calibrated for. Most hydrometers are calibrated
to 20°C, but some are calibrated to 15°C - any good hydrometer will
have the calibration temperature marked. This calculator, when working with a hydrometer calibrated to 20°C, is accurate over the approximate range 0-60°C, and when calibrated to 15°C, approximately 0-55°C. |
Details: This is a simple calculation of SO2 for the aspiration/oxidation method. Whether free, bound or total SO2 is calculated depends on the method you used. Red Wines: Much of the 'free' SO2 in red wines is actually pigment (anthocyanin) bound - actual free SO2 levels will be very significantly lower. |
Details: This
calculation is based on the alcohol calculation from refractometer and
hydrometer readings. The alcohol is calculated and then used
together with the specific gravity to calculate the dissolved solids.
The gravity measurement must be from a hydrometer, and the °Brix
measurement must be from a refractometer, these values must not have
been calculated from one source. Alcohol has a higher density than water, so a dry wine will give a refractometer reading in the range 5 to 10°Brix. |
Details: This calculator will calculate exactly how much of a solution of a given concentration to add to a given volume of juice/wine, to reach a desired concentration of the solute. For example, a solution of concentration 500mg/L is to be added to 100L of wine to give the wine a concentration of 10mg/L. |